PANZER STRIKE! boasts the highest resolution of any of our World War II titles. Each unit symbol
represents either one tank/gun or a squad of infantry; each square of the 60x60 map, 50 yards.
The action is so detailed, you'll feel like you re caught in the middle of the blitzkrieg of the German
Army in all its major campaigns. It also offers so much play flexibility that it qualifies more as a
construction set than game. Powerful tools are provided to let you easily create your own maps,
troops and missions. Three theaters are covered: The entire Eastern Front; Western Front campaigns
that do not involve American troops; and the North African campaign. This tactical game includes
practically every ground weapon used in those theaters - from tanks, tank destroyers and artillery
to trucks, mortars and machine guns. Pill-boxes, mine fields and dragon's teeth are also included
the ratings for armored vehicles go beyond even our usual high standards for realism. For example,
armor is segmented into front and side of hull, front and side of turret, and top. Tracks can also sustain
damage. You can choose to simulate single battles or an entire campaign. The former lets you play
against another player or the computer and to depart from the historical setups already provided by
making use of the construction features. The campaign scenario pits you against the computer.
It creates the maps and determines the type of battles and offensive/defensive missions. You "buy"
tanks, infantry and support units (such as artillery and anti-tank guns). The ultimate objective of the
campaign game is to fight - and win - as many battles as possible before the war ends. If you suffer
heavy losses during one battle, it will take a long time for you to replace and upgrade your forces
before you can fight the next battle.
It's the best construction set of World War II German, British and Russian combat!

Panzer Strike! · ©1987
Strategie/Kriegsspiel · Diskette/Floppy-Disk
Creator: Gary Grigsby
Publisher: Strategic Simulations Inc.

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