M has given you the top secret mission: "Find Mr. Big, and don't come back until you do".
Q has given you his latest gadget: "Be very careful with it 007. It is the fastest and most
dangerous speedboat ever made. Just to make sure you find Mr. Big, we have arranged
some practice sessions for you in extreme conditions. You'll go from the Desert to the
Icebergs before we let you loose in Florida - Mr. Big's home country."
The Game
As James Bond you must travel along the various waterways; Target practice, South American
jungle mission, Norwegian Fjords and Middle East desert exercises. In the target practice section
the red targets must be shot with the forward mounted machine gun, the black targets must be
shot using missiles. There are two exercises that enable Bond to learn about the type of defence
systems used by Kananga, and finally the mission which is bristling with Dr. Kanaga's defences.
You must avoid mines, gun emplacements, dive bombing, enemy helicopters, submarines, enemy
planes and enemy boats, some of which drop mines or booby trapped fuel barrels and can only
be destroyed with a missile. Along the way you must completely pick up fuel by driving over fuel
barrels, as well as the cannisters containing fuel and missiles dropped by the C.I.A. helicopters.
Your speedboat must travel through dark tunnels, slide up slopes to avoid obstacles and must
destroy closed lock gates with 'snuff' missiles. With a lot of skill and some luck you will reach the
Heroin processing factories at the end of the waterway. The factory can only be destroyed by
leaping off a log into the air and letting off a 'snuff' missile to finally destroy the evil installations.
Good luck 007, the world is counting on you!
Sheriff J. W. Pepper
"Goddam it boy! That darned Mister Bond bin at it agin'. He done and wrecked twelve o' my bran'
noo po-lice cars, broke all da speed laws o' tha' county an' now he's causin' mayhem in that boat
a' his! If ah ketch any o' yoo boy's or gals a' followin' his exam-ple now, you'se better be watchin'
yo' arca *. Shee-oot!

James Bond 007: Live and let die · ©1988
Action/Arcade · Datasette/Tape
Copyright: elite Production
Publisher: Domark

Das Spiel zum Film
Leben und sterben lassen / Live and Let Die ist der achte Film der von Eon
Productions Ltd. produzierten James-Bond-Serie. In dem 1973 veröffentlichten
Film übernimmt Roger Moore zum ersten Mal die Hauptrolle des Geheimagenten.
Der Film startete am 14. September 1973 in den bundesdeutschen Kinos.
(Textquelle: Wikipedia)
Erscheinungsjahr: 1973 • Originalsprache: Englisch
Altersfreigabe: 16 • Länge: 121 Minuten • Regie: Guy Hamilton
Roger Moore - James Bond
Jane Seymour - Solitaire

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