Son of the Gods, curse of his fellow men, Hercules is set 12 awesome tasks
to exonerate the sin of murdering his children. Armed by his divine fathers
he sets forth to face the hideous skeleton hordes and ultimately overcome the
evil minotaur. To slay the damned is his only saviour in repenting his sins.
Herkules, Sohn der Götter und Fluch seiner Mitmenschen, steht vor
12 fürchterlichen Aufgaben, um den Mord an seinen Kindern zu sühnen.
Die Verdammten zu töten ist seine einzige Rettung.

Hercules - Slayer of the Damned! · ©1988
Action/Beat'em Up/Fighting · Datasette/Tape
Developer: Cygnus Software
Publisher: Gremlin Graphics

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