The Jade Cities of the Emperor are Falling.
The Deathlord stands revealed. Reeking of pestilence. Master of a technology called magic.
Spewing hordes of monsters. Exploiting every power there is... and some there shouldn't be.
Life in Lorn was always horrific. But it just got worse. The fiercest Samurai haven't been lucky.
They're dead. The Emperor fears for his life. And the Deathlord seems to have all the time in
the world. To vanquish him, you'll need every magic item you can win. And a few skills you
didn't know existed. It's either that or lose face. Your face.
- Face 128 kinds of monsters -
- Explore a gigantic world with 16 Continents -
- Escape Dungeon's up to 16 levels -
- Create Characters of alarming complexity -

Deathlord · ©1988
Fantasy/Rollenspiel · Diskette/Floppy-Disk
Developer: David Wong & Al Escudero
Publisher: Electronic Arts, Inc.

About the artists:
David Wong and Al Escudero are men of imagination. They sit in dark rooms.
They think about nasty places. They have keen minds for detail, and they can
make it stick. Al plays games avidly when not writing code. David is a code
demon of alarming wherewithal. They spend time together. They think alike.
They picked out the shirt ensemble shown here on purpose.

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